The High Tech Observer frequently focuses on inter-modal competition between economic models, as these tend to be the most disruptive. While timing always remains an issue, the success rate of this model is almost 100%. Since 1997, the main error has been to be too conservative on the Y2k software impact, although we spotted a number of software blow-ups in time to avoid losses. Success highlights include predicting the Internet boom during the depths of the LTCM credit crisis in 1998, as well as predicting the bubble's demise in September 2000. For the purposes of the Telecosm, this model is most noteworthy for its 2000 prediction that the current network revolution would result not in economic nirvana, but rather in economic Armageddon.
Googin has a BS-EE from the University of Tennessee, and an MBA from the University
of Virginia. In addition to engineering experience in development and manufacturing,
Roxane has experienced finance from the cradle to the grave: from venture
capital, through equity analysis, to term lending and finally to asset-based