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The Qualcomm Equation
by David Mock, with Forward by George Gilder

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"The Qualcomm Equation by Dave Mock, is a probing account of the rise of the company and the development of its multifaceted strategies for dominance. Once a skeptic toward CDMA, Mock has become perhaps its ablest exponent. In this wide ranging and lucidly written book, he evokes the personalities, the interwoven innovations, the tumultuous history, the global strategy, and the intellectual property of what has become the exemplary Twenty-First Century Technology Company." — George Gilder

Featuring a foreword by George Gilder The Qualcomm Equation provides readers with a fascinating inside look at how a small company stormed the burgeoning wireless industry and grew into a global multibillion-dollar powerhouse in less than a decade. This book examines how Qualcomm became so successful, chronicling the early history of the company, then provides an in-depth analysis of Qualcomm's business model. Through this eye-opening, real-life case study, readers will learn: how the company pioneered and commercialized a new technology in record time...and made it an industry standard; how Qualcomm's revolutionary business model relied on licensing this technology; key business strategies that enabled Qualcomm to leapfrog the competition; how companies can encourage and use innovation to dominate their markets. In addition to describing the development of the wireless industry over the last few decades, The Qualcomm Equation is a riveting look at a one-of-a-kind company.

The Bottomless Well:
The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy

by Peter W. Huber, Mark P. Mills

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A myth-shattering book that explains why energy is not scarce, why the price of energy doesn't matter very much, and why "waste" of energy is both necessary and desirable.

The sheer volume of talk about energy, energy prices, and energy policy on both sides of the political aisle suggests that we must know something about these subjects. But according to Peter W. Huber and Mark P. Mills, the things we think we know are mostly myths. In The Bottomless Well, Huber and Mills show how a better understanding of energy will radically change our views and policies on a number of very controversial issues.

Writing in take-no-prisoners, urgently compelling prose, Huber and Mills explain why demand for energy will never go down, why most of what we think of as "energy waste" actually benefits us; why more efficient cars, engines, and bulbs will never lower demand, and why energy supply is infinite.

Soft Machines: nanotechnology & life
by Richard A.L. Jones

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Having spent much of my time since the Gilder/Forbes Telecosm Conference (October 19 – 20, 2004) deep in books about nanotech, I can report that the field is real and that it has already yielded a definitive text. Entitled Soft Machines: nanotechnology & life, elegantly written by a UK physicist named Richard A.L. Jones, it arrives at the essential destination that Gilder Technology Report Editor, Nick Tredennick, defined three years ago at his Dynamic Silicon Conference.

Nanotech is the result of the continuing advance of semiconductor technology into the nanoscale, where it can form devices the size of molecules and biological organelles. Thus semiconductors can drop below the electro-mechanical domain into the domains of bio-mimesis where designers take inspiration from biological structures. As Jones patiently shows, the effort to reduce biology and chemistry to physical mechanics, as Erik Drexler proposed, founders at the nanoscale. Here the environment is dominated by Brownian motion at up to 10 gigahertz, by low Reynolds numbers signifying extreme viscosity, and by surface effects such as Van der Waals forces that dwarf the bulk effects of conventional mechanics. Jones concludes that while nanotech has developed new materials such as semiconducting polymers, new test gear such as gold and thiols on silicon substrates, fabrication equipment such as atomic force microscopes, new devices such as rotaxanes, nanotube nanistors, and C60 fullerenes, it is far from creating integrated systems or transducers that link to or from its laboratory concoctions. One of the best science and technology texts I have ever read, this book is a tribute to the fertility of disciplinary intercourse among solid-state physics, chemistry and biology.

Also worth reading is Nanocosm by William Ilsey Atkinson, a breezy but useful journalistic tour of the nanotech scene, which contains a cogent argument against the Drexlerian movement and presents intriguing portraits of such nanotech leaders as Thomas Theis of IBM and an array of fascinating Japanese scholars. The Scientific American book, Understanding Nanotechnology, published in 2002, adapts a series of articles from the magazine, including a notable foreword and early chapter from exemplary Caltech teacher Michael Roukes.

— George Gilder

Running Money
by Andy Kessler

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George Gilder's latest pick for "Book of the Month" is Andy Kessler's memoir Running Money. A brilliant investor, a born raconteur and an overall smart-ass, Andy Kessler pulls back the curtain on the world of hedge funds and shows how the guys who run big money think, talk and act.

Following on the success of Wall Street Meat, his self-published book on the lives of Wall Street stock analysts, Andy Kessler recounts his years as an extraordinarily successful hedge fund manager. To run a successful hedge fund you must have an investing edge -- that special insight that allows you to reap greater returns for your clients and yourself.

A quick study, Kessler gets an education in investing from some fascinating and quirky personalities. Eventually he works out his own insight into the world economy, a powerful lens that reveals to him hidden value in seemingly negative trends. Focusing on margin surplus, Kessler comes to see that current American economy, at the apex of the information revolution, is not so different from the British economy at the height of the industrial revolution. Drawing out the parallels he develops a powerful investing tool which he shares with readers. Contrarian and confident, Kessler made a fortune applying his ideas to his hedge fund. Which only proves that they may not be as crazy as they sound.

"(One of) the best books you'll find on technology, opportunity and entrepreneurship [to] hit bookstores."
-Rich Karlgaard, Publisher, Forbes magazine

Life 2.0 : How People Across America
Are Transforming Their Lives by Finding
the Where of Their Happiness

by Rich Karlgaard

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Written with literary flair and analyzed with rare social and financial insight, Life 2.0 combines a gifted novelist's sense of personal drama and pace with a technology visionary's insight into the future. Take an epochal ride in Rich Karlgaard's aerobatic new book. Not only will it stretch your mind and wide the horizons of your life, it also could renew your health and wealth. — George Gilder

Heavenly Intrigue
by Anne-Lee Gilder and Joshua Gilder
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Some ten years ago, after a hard run over a steep hill in my home town, my cousin Joshua Gilder challenged me to explain the prevalence of inverse square laws in science. Joining Newton's Law of Gravitation with Coulomb's law of electromagnetic attraction, inverse square laws inform the physics of attraction, whether of magnitudes or magnetism. Grasping at straws, I mumbled something about the quadratic expansion of areas and diminution of forces as any influence spreads out from a point after a Big Bang blah blah blah. But my mumbling did not satisfy Josh's raptorial mind.

Together with his wife Anne-Lee, an investigative reporter and translator, Josh returns to the subject in our book of the month, Heavenly Intrigue: Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, and the Murder behind one of History's Greatest Scientific Discoveries. Behind Kepler's famous finding that planetary orbits are ellipses, not perfect circles, is the implicit recognition of inverse squares of attraction. Behind this epochal discovery, Josh and his wife Anne-Lee have inferred from previously lost and untranslated documents and from spectrographic analysis of poisoned strands of Brahe's hair found in his tomb, was a murder. They conclude it was probably committed by Kepler, determined to seize Brahe's huge trove of astronomical observations, crucial to Kepler's own more astrological researches.

Heavenly Intrigue stands as a superb exploration of the contentious relations between science and technology. A lifelong astrologer, Kepler emerges as a precursor of the politically correct abstract scientist of today musing on global warming in multiple parallel universes in the pages of Scientific American and imposing his own predilections for form and fashion on the intractable stuff of the world. Brahe is a creator of the exquisitely accurate and advanced technology that measured the paths of the stars to one part in 253 thousand and rescued astronomy from the astrological pseudo science of the day. "With Brahe's measurements as the standard," observe the Gilders, "the wheels of astronomy would grind exceedingly fine."

Best known as the author of some of Ronald Reagan's most memorable utterances, from his blunt veto threat to a tax hiking Congress-"Go ahead, make my day"-to his eloquent celebration of capitalism and technology at Moscow State University, Josh has become an accomplished writer of fiction. Last year his Ghost Image won laurels for a first mystery novel. This book combines the punctilious lucidity of his expository style with the narrative intrigue of a murder story.

As intricately layered as a microchip, as compellingly plotted as a Columbo mystery, as scrupulously factual as its hero Brahe himself, Heavenly Intrigue launches a new form of literature: history of science and technology as philosophical adventure and psychological thriller. In a beautiful consummation, the seeds of Brahe's rigorous empirical science ultimately give birth in the late twentieth century to new machines, such as atomic absorption spectrometers and proton induced x-rays, that enable current day sleuths to discover and solve his murder. In this book, the Gilders illuminate this twisted path of science and technology, avenge the crime, and redeem it. Now they should proceed with the screenplay, perhaps to be directed by Anthony Mingella and titled The Talented Mr. Kepler.
George Gilder

The Long Walk
by Slavomir Rawicz
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After spending much of my holiday reading time with estimable critics of the Telecosm such as Om Malik (Broadbandits) and David Denby (American Sucker), I innocently picked up a book called The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz, defying the most urgent warnings from historian Stephen Ambrose that I would not be able to put it down. Sure enough, the darn book adhered to my hands for the next two days-in the bathtub, under the Christmas tree, at lunch, and in the car to cross-country ski races-and I emerged from my ordeal with an inspiring new perspective on all the trials of this Millennium. Incarcerated in a concentration camp in north eastern Siberia, Rawicz and six colleagues escaped during a blizzard, and most of them managed to elude dogs, KGB, apparently abominable snowmen, and marauding Chinese soldiers, and make their way nearly 4000 miles in 18 months through the Siberian snows and the Gobi desert and through Mongolia and Tibet and over the Himalayas to India. Full of fascinating details of survival against all odds both in the desert and the mountains, in sub zero and trans-100 Farenheits. Perhaps there is still hope for the all optical revelation.
George Gilder

The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth
by Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Raynor
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Towering over his colleagues in business analysis, Clayton Christensen has proven that he is not just another tall white guy who hangs around the basket and piles up the easy points.

After introducing a champion product at the top of his game six years ago, garnering huge markets, magisterial prestige, devoted students, and a double chair at the Harvard Business School, Christensen triumphantly flouts his own chilling odds against renewing a stalled franchise. Written with colleague Michael Raynor, his second book is a whopper of a further innovation: The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth, even more gripping and compelling than his first work. His famous core concept of disruptive innovation, launched in his now classic prize winner The Innovator's Dilemma, has begotten a scintillating sequel, full of powerful business ideas that continue spinning in the mind long after you put down the book.

Using an insight of my partner Nick Tredennick, I would like to sum up Christensen's initial theory as a form of Tredennick's law: "Seek performance first and you forgo volume. Seek volume first and you get performance."

Catchy isn't it? The essence of it is the learning curve. Creating a high performance product is only the first step. If you make one brilliant prototype of a magical Silicon Wonderchip XXX, and then embark on an agenda of costly performance improvements, you will restrict yourself to a sparse population of elite users. In the end, this small market of demanding buyers-whether of high-end cameras or high-end routers or specialized business communications-will not be able to pay for the early rate of improvement. Meanwhile your rival-Intel, perhaps-incorporates an inferior ripoff on some underused corner of a Pentium and makes billions of units. Moving down the learning curve of the semiconductor industry with Moore's law, the Pentium will soon be doing the job more cheaply and better than your Silicon WonderchipXXX."

Now in The Innovator's Solution, Christensen offers a broader, more far reaching, but less quantitative, discourse on business strategy. He tells executives why "core competence" shouldn't necessarily be your core business; when to outsource and when not; how to avoid the grim reaper of business-"commoditization"; how to develop products by asking the question "What job needs to get done?"; why large mergers almost never work; and how to counter disruptive threats-and even become the disrupter yourself-by forming autonomous organizations.

Christensen is full of sagely contrarian advice: he argues that it is usually better to give a new project to an executive who has previously failed at a similar undertaking, rather than one who has been highly successful in an unrelated field. The learning curve, in other words, applies to management not just manufacturing. He also shows how, depending on the circumstances, technologies can be disruptive for some firms but sustaining for others. The Internet, for example, sustained Dell's low-cost direct-to-customer marketing and distribution model but disrupted the retail models of Compaq, HP, IBM, and others.

Perhaps most importantly, Christensen and Raynor demolish the myth that young companies should be impatient for growth and patient for profits. Just the opposite, they argue. Demands for early profitability are good because they force new companies to adjust their business models based on feedback, rather than assuming the model is perfect from the outset, only to find out years later that the initial business plan was fatally flawed.

Christensen and Raynor's chapter endnotes-substantial, pithy, provocative-add further relish to a feast of business ideas.
George Gilder & Bret Swanson

Wall Street Meat
by Andy Kessler
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Our old friend and Telecosm star Andy Kessler has minced and marketed WALL STREET MEAT, the most riotous, insightful, poignant, gossipy, and gallivanting book on Wall Street ever written. Unlike the telepathic Michael Lewis, whose Liar's Poker was mostly written at three removes from the major players of the 1980s, Kessler was embedded big time, for both the eighties and nineties and he is still prescient in the new era. No fly or flower on the wall, Kessler was a major player on the field, a double-E from Bell Labs who actually grasped the intricacies of the technologies that he analyzed and they touted. He often told these Wall Street stars the score, or bit a bruised tongue dumbstruck when they did their daffy dunderheaded thing anyway. Then he went off and formed a hedge fund with Fred Kittler and scored on his own.

He was there as Bill Gates cackled at the credulity of analysts rushing to the phones to report a calculated putdown of his own stock; Kessler was at Jack Grubman's side as he honed his ax, his "A," his Ebbers and his AWE-strike, boasting three fictitious women per night, ten beers and four uncanny earning calls. Kessler was there, carrying true believer Mary Meeker's sachel as she rushed to her limo to tout her famous "feelings" about to clueless dotty investors; he had frank conversations with Quattrone about the "monkeys in suits" that end up as brokers, and he did analytical hanky panky side by side with Blodget.

But unlike most of the inebriated cast of this rollicking tale, Kessler never lost his head or sense of proportion. He got out on top, with his humor, writing flair, integrity, and portfolio intact. And he is about to get even richer on this self-published book, which has already leapt high at Amazon, where it tops the list at Morgan Stanley and Lehman Bros, is number 19 in New York and is moving up everywhere else.

This book may have begun in the boutique insider cult trade but it will be a bulge bracket paperback soon and then--I have a heart-felt feeling here, a Meeker moment--it will be a major motion picture. Read it before Kessler goes Hollywood and becomes too famous to talk to you anymore.
George Gilder

Valuing Technology
The New Science of Wealth in the Knowledge Economy
by Chris Westland

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In this ambitious and original text, Chris Westland follows in the path of Aswath Damodaran, casting light on "The Dark Side of Valuation" of technology stocks. But where Damodaran stops short of addressing the fundamental issues of technology itself, the polymathic Westland—a scientist and
consultant—cruises in with observations on Moore's and Metcalfe's laws, nanotechnology and optics, biotech and materials science. He attempts to formalize in crisp mathematics some of the "laws" of the microcosm and telecosm.
A fascinating read that does not pretend there are any simple answers or panaceas.
George Gilder

The Advent of the Algorithm
by David Berlinski
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Don't be put off by the author's vagaries and discursions. They are sometimes poetic and funny, sometimes distracting, but if you press on, you will encounter a unique tale of the real meaning of the science and technology of the twentieth century-the overthrow of the materialist superstition in the heart of mathematics physics, biology, and computer science. Berlinski was a student of Alonzo Church, who was the most fruitful protégé of Kurt Godel, who defined the limits of mathematics and tutored Einstein. This contrarian tour de force is a gripping adventure in the ideas that matter in the 21st century as it transcends and surpasses the 20th.
George Gilder

Mind at Light Speed
by David D. Nolte
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A leading physicist, solid state theorist, and inventor of dynamic holography, Nolte has reshaped telecosmic theory for the 21st century. Describing the promise of an all optical Internet and the limitations of human vision, he envisages a new computing and networking architecture based on the massive parallelism of holograms. With Avanex and Terabeam both gaining competitive advantage through holographic techniques, with Essex pursuing the huge advantages of analog optical processing, and with Carver Mead transforming the camera in the image of the human retina, Noltešs book is a paradigm tour. Lucidly written for the layman, it explores the parallel advantages of light and image in the new era of optics. He ends with an intriguing discussion of quantum computing.    

In the Beginning Was the Command Line
by Neal Stephenson

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In the Beginning Was the Command Line-is a fast, funny, and uncannily perceptive history of computer operating systems by the incomparable Neal Stephenson, author of Cryptonomicon, a panoramic historical novel which was one of the first and best of our books of the month. A former programmer, Stephenson explains in savvy and acrobatic prose the contribution of Microsoft and its obsolescence today, and explains why Linux is real—why operating systems will all be essentially free and open sourced.

Machine Beauty
by David Gelernter

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Machine Beauty by David Gelernter explains and expounds the assumptions behind his transfiguration of the user interface through his company Mirror Worlds, named after his prophetic book by the same title, which essentially outlined the key features of the ultimate World Wide Web (still under construction today). Gelernter is an essential guide to the future of computer interfaces and databases.

The Quantum Brain
by Jeffrey Satinover
The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation of Man
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The Quantum Brain is an adventure in the science of ideas. It is the first book on the brain that combines a grasp of the physics of the microcosm and the technologies of artificial intelligence, neural networks, and self-organizing systems, with a recognition of the transcendant properties that define the mind and differentiate it from matter. Although the subject is inherently difficult and novel, Jeffrey Satinover is an inspired guide through the fertile areas of convergence among the pivotal sciences of the age. From such insights will emerge both new technologies and new philosophies and theologies for the Twenty First Century.

Basic Economics
A Citizen's Guide to the Economy
by Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is widely known as a masterly writer on the intricacies of race and culture around the globe. His recent autobiography offers a fascinating vista into his amazing life battling the forces of political correctness on issues of race. But Sowell began as a superb economic theorist, bringing to light the foundational principles of supply side economics in Says Law ("Supply creates its own demand") and Knowledge and Decisions. Now he has summed up a lifetime of economic wisdom in this definitive text, Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy. He offers pithy and trenchant accounts of a wide range of issues, from the perversity of rent controls and the wastefulness of recycling to the irrelevance of sex and race in income data and the true role of government in economy.

Collective Electrodynamics
Quantum Foundations of Electromagnetism
by Carver A. Mead
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The book of the month (and perhaps of the decade; time will tell) is Collective Electrodynamics by Carver Mead, written is his copious free time while launching a revolution in the camera business with the Foveon imager. Mead's climactic speech at Telecosm, ending with a prolonged standing ovation, focused less on Foveon's amazing new chip and its impact on cameras than on his new book and its promise of a revolution in the physics of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some mathematics afflicts about two-thirds of the chapters, but the rest are readable and riveting.  

The Holy Grail of Data Storage Management
What Every Enterprise Needs to Know to Solve Its Data Deluge
by Jon William Toigo
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An excellent primer on network storage-perhaps the only in depth, book length treatment of the subject. The book does, however, suffer from conventional thinking. In particular, Toigo buys into the flawed notion that the number one reason for SAN architectures is to save network bandwidth. Recommended as good background reading on enterprise storage.

Click on a cover for more information and to order the following books, pulled from George's own library:

New Era of WealthThe New Era of Wealth
How Investors Can Profit from the 5 Economic Trends Shaping the Future
by Brian S. Wesbury

The first book with a Telecosm List, a supply-side tilt, and a Greenspan critique, Brian Wesbury's pithy tome castigates the prevailing medianomics and offers a felicitous guide for investing in the new economy.

The Innovator's Dilemma
When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

By Clayton M. Christensen

"The most profound and useful business book ever written about innovation, it catapults its softspoken author abruptly into the class of Burnham and Drucker."
—George Gilder, October 1998 GTR
Only the Paranoid Survive
The Threat & Promise of Strategic Inflection Points

By Andrew S. Grove

"As a strategic fact, defining the conditions of the business and the opportunities of the era, broadband is now. This is a fundamental paradigm shift-an inflection point like those described in Andy Grove's riveting new book, Only the Paranoid Survive."
—George Gilder, August 1996 GTR
Adventures of a Bystander (Trailblazers, Rediscovering the Pioneers of Business)

By Peter F. Drucker
The Effective Executive

By Peter F. Drucker

Being Digital

By Nicholas Negroponte


The Twilight of Sovereignty
How the Information Revolution is Transforming Our World

by Walter B. Wriston

The End of Money and the Struggle for Financial Privacy

by Richard W. Rahn

Former Chief Economist of the National Chamber of Commerce, Richard Rahn has peered deeply into the heated caldron of money, encryption, privacy, bandwith and bureaucracy and emerged with a stark and stormy vision of the future. This crisply written text foresees a concussive collision of new technologies and old institutions, such as banks and nations, debts and taxes, and a new world of web commerce on the other side.

Optical Networks

by Rajiv Ramaswami and Kumar N. Sivarajan

This book is a lucid and practical exposition of the optics state of the art by two protege's of Paul Green. Skip the denser math if you want and you still can deepen your knowledge of this incandescent field. You can also expose yourself to the thinking of Rajiv Ramaswami, who is moving to Silicon Valley to guide an exciting startup in optical switching, called XRos, into the frontiers of the telecosm.

Feynman and Computation
Exploring the Limits of Computers

Edited by Anthony J.G. Hey
(not to be confused with Feynman Lectures on Computation)

This book contains three seminal lectures by Carver Mead, who co-taught the course with Feynman, and includes many vivid recollections of and by the world's greatest physicist in interplay with the world's leading computer scientists.

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled."
—Feynman on the Challenger disaster

Computer Architecture
A Quantitative Approach

By David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy

A leader in the debate over the structure of tomorrow's computers, "David Patterson explained how many of the problems with current computer architecture could give way to an intelligent RAM architecture. He favors use of parallel vector processors programmable through the means familiar in vector Cray supercomputers."
—George Gilder, October 1997 GTR

Introduction to VLSI Systems

By Carver Mead & Lynn Conway


Feynman Lectures on Physics

By Richard P. Feynman



Analog VLSI and Neural Systems

By Carver Mead


Computer Organization and Design
The Hardware/Software Interface

By David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy

Packet Communication

By Robert M. Metcalfe

Bob Metcalfe invented ethernet and was a founder of 3Com. His 1973 doctoral dissertation, Packet Communication, is a classic text in the development of the communications protocols at the core of the Telecosm.

"In the new paradigm, the Moore's Law advance of MIPS and bits gives way to the Metcalfe's Law explosion of bandwidth." —George Gilder, August 1996 GTR

An Introduction to Information Theory
Symbols, Signals and Noise

By John R. Pierce

"Shannon's work is shrouded in hardcore math and the explanation can be skipped if you want. But it is worth getting a glimpse of his vision. It is most clearly expounded by his leading apostle, John R. Pierce of Bell Laboratories, in a book called An Introduction to Information Theory."
—George Gilder, June 1998 GTR

Fiber Optic Networks

By Paul E. Green

"the leading text on fiber networks"

—George Gilder, February 1997 GTR

The Age of Spiritual Machines
When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence

By Ray Kurzweil

CDMA Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication

By Andrew J. Viterbi

Viterbi presents the mathematical bridge between Shannon's theories and today's most advanced wireless technology.

"For many years, few noticed the full significance of [Shannon's] baffling message. Andrew Viterbi, the famed author of the Viterbi algorithm, now at Qualcomm, was one of the few. With Jacobs and Gilhousen, they set out to fulfill the Shannon mandate. In the Telecosm today, physics, optics, engineering, signals, and noise all are now beginning to whirl centrifugally in Shannon's hyperspace. Just as Wavelength Division Multiplexing is the wireline expression of Shannon's vision, CDMA is the wireless form of "wide and weak."
—George Gilder, June 1998 GTR

Claude Elwood Shannon
Collected Papers

By Claude E. Shannon

"As early as 1949, Claude Shannon, the inventor of information theory, defined the crucial tradeoffs of a regime of bandwidth abundance. Bandwidth, he showed, can substitute both for switching and for power. The new paradigm requires that successful companies of the new era pursue this crucial trade off among the emerging technologies of sand and glass and air."
—George Gilder, July 1996 GTR

"The great astronomer and physicist Kepler wrote: "I cherish more than anything else the Analogies.They know all the secrets of nature." For the Microcosm, the model was to move to the center of the sphere, at the atomic level, where power was concentrated. With an uncanny analogy of communications to multi-dimensional geometry, however, Claude Shannon in 1948 supplied a new spherical analogy for the Telecosm. An MIT professor with close ties to Bell Laboratories, he developed information theory to gauge the potential capacity of any communications channel in the presence of noise. This work took the theory of the Telecosm from the center of the sphere, where power was unlimited and bandwidth scarce, to the surface of the sphere, where the results were weirdly wide and weak and counterintuitive."
—George Gilder, June 1998 GTR

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